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How to buy ETH on zkSync Era

Learn how to buy ETH with fiat or crypto

Updated over 10 months ago

You can buy ETH on zkSync Era via a decentralized exchange by paying with crypto or via an onramp by paying with fiat.

Buy ETH on zkSync Era with fiat

In Zerion, the best wallet for zkSync, you can buy ETH on zkSync Era with fiat currencies (USD, EUR, etc), paying with a card, bank transfer, and other methods. Available currencies and payment methods depend on your country.

To buy ETH with fiat:

  1. Open your Zerion mobile app

  2. Select the wallet into which you want to buy ETH

  3. Tap on 3 dots and then 'Buy Crypto'

  4. Instead of Ethereum, select zkSync Era

  5. Choose one of the onramp providers

  6. Follow the instructions for your preferred payment method

Buy ETH on zkSync Era with crypto

You can buy ETH on zkSync Era with the Zerion swap tab, which will help you find the best price.

However, you will need a small amount of ETH to pay for gas. If you don’t have enough ETH, you can first bridge ETH to zkSync from another network.

Here’s what you need to do to buy ETH on zkSync Era:

  1. Connect your wallet to Zerion

  2. Click on ‘Ethereum’ (the default network) and select zkSync Era instead

  3. Select the asset you want to sell

  4. Select ETH as the asset you want to get

  5. By clicking on the rate, you can review other offers

  6. Click ‘Approve’ the asset to approve Zerion to spend it, sign the transaction

  7. Click ‘Swap’ and sign the transaction

That’s it! Now, more ETH will show up in your wallet, and you’ll see the swap in your transaction history.

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