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How do I create an Ethereum wallet?
How do I create an Ethereum wallet?

Everything you need to start from scratch

Abishek Dharshan avatar
Written by Abishek Dharshan
Updated over a week ago

Your Ethereum wallet is your gateway to the world of decentralized finance. This article will walk you through setting up a Zerion-exclusive wallet – however, you have several other wallet options too.

Setting up a Zerion Wallet

In addition to connecting any of your existing web3 wallets, we recently launched the Zerion Wallet, the first smart, social Web3 wallet that’s built for everyone.

Get your Zerion Smart Wallet

  1. Download the Zerion mobile app on iOS or Android

  2. Follow the instructions on screen to either create a new wallet or import an existing one

Once connected, you’ll have one place to manage every wallet, seed phrase and private key you own regardless of where you first created it. Use the wallet to place trades on any network, manage your multichain portfolio and store your NFTs.

In addition to the Zerion Smart Wallet, Zerion supports most major Web3 wallets including hardware wallets, mobile wallets, and browser extension wallets.

Connect other wallets to Zerion

You can connect any other WalletConnect supported wallet to Zerion. Popular options are

  • Metamask

  • Trust Wallet

If you’re looking for more information on what a “wallet” actually is, you may want to check out this article first.

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